Fraudulent Document / Ingenuine Profiles

Identified several Fraudulent Documents and Ingenuine profiles.




Study Gap


Document Type Details Findings
Forged IELTS TRF tweaked with overstated scores Student provided forged IELTs score card.

The actual score was O5.5, W5.5, L6.0, R4.5, S6.0 and the scores in the forged score card was O7.0, W6.5, S7.5, R6.5, L7.5
Academic Transcripts Forged Academic Transcripts of Bachelors- two diferrent set of documents for the same student with different marks and backlogs Different agents provided different set of academic documents of bachelors where in aggregated marks and backlogs were overstated from sencond class to first class and backlogs from 12 to 6.
Academics-Masters MCA from the institution who is not offering MCA course. Student pursued MCA from the institution who is not offering MCA course, we verified the same by calling to the education group.

Also Married female from Punjab who was sponsored by her parents in law who has already studied one year PG Diploma and MCA wanted to pursue masters again.

Employment could not be verified, website was not working, no answers on the contact numbers provided on appointment letter.


Document Type Details Findings
Bank Statement Same account shown for Proof of funds and salary - different transactions for the same duration Two statements were provided, one as proof of funds and other one as bank statement relecting salary.

Both the statements were of same account but with different transcactions.

Study Gap

Document Type Details Findings
Gap details Inconsistent information- Accident and Camp certificate at same time When asked for reason for completing 4 years of bachelors in 5 years, student provided Medical certificate showing the leg & knee injury and stated in SOP tht he took rest during that period.

Student also provided some National Service Camp Certificate which he attended for the same period where he claimed to have rest due to injury.


Document Type Details Findings
Employment Inconsistent information provided in salary slips and experience letter Experience letter provided stated student worked with as organisation till June'18 however salary slips provided from the same company till Sep'18.
Also student had average academics with year 12 passed compartmentally. Bachelors passed with 52% with 15 backlogs.
Employment Employment provided from a Pvt Ltd Co. which could not be found on MCA  Employment was shown in a Private Compnay which was not registered under Ministry of Corporate Affairs.
Employment Website created on 22-11-2018, whereas website address mentioned on appointment letter dated Sep'15 Appointment letter dated september 2015 stated the website address, however the website was created on November 2018.

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